An award winning sixth-form college in the heart of Central London offering a wide range of GCSE and A-Level courses
The quality of the curriculum, teaching and learners' achievements is excellent
A-Level Course Outline
What is Further Mathematics?
Further Mathematics is a natural extension to Mathematics A-Level, taking you twice as far and as deep. The skill set developed in this course prepares you for the material and rigour of university level study in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences like Physics, Engineering, Economics and Chemistry. In some top universities Further Mathematics is a strong preference for application to mathematical subjects and additional lectures are often necessary for those who have not taken it.
Further Mathematics is accessible to those who excel in their Mathematics A-Level, typically but not exclusively those on course for an A grade in it. The units studied are incrementally more challenging both in terms of the material and problem-solving skills previously developed.
What Topics will I study?
In Further Pure Mathematics modules you will:
To underpin this you will need a strong understanding of the abstract reasoning which has led to these advances, why do the three fundamental mathematical operations link the four most fundamental constants ; Why does
Mechanics provides you with skills to model motion, forces and stability. Decision Mathematics introduces techniques to plan for optimal efficiency, providing management and leadership skills as well as the logical foundations of computer programming.
FURTHER MATHEMATICS (PEARSON) A-Level Specification Each unit has a 1½ hour exam with 75 marks and is equally weighted toward the A-Level. |
Paper 1 and 2 |
Core Mathematics 1:
Core Mathematics 2: |
Paper 3 and 4 |
Further Mechanics 1 The study of forces and motion, building up from Newton's laws in one dimension with a constant force to more dimensions, variable forces and composite bodies. Decision Mathematics 1 Looks to optimise systems, finding the most efficient and suitable method for completing a variety of tasks. |
Structure of the Course
This course will be taught for 7 lessons per week. Homework is set at the end of each session and deadlines for submissions must be met. A full set of notes and examination questions is provided. The UK Senior Mathematics Challenge is offered as an enrichment activity.
Calculator Requirement
Casio FX-CG50 Graphic Calculator
Core Textbooks
Recommended Reading |
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